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Export Unfold


This command lists all sheet metal components used in the active assembly.

Selection Commands

These three buttons allow you to select all sheet metal components in the list, clear all selections, and reverse the current selections.

Settings (Gear Icon)


This command opens the "DXF Export" page in the Settings dialog. You can set the storage folder for the DXF files there. Additionally, you can use the Name Generator (Name DXF Abwicklung in the Multitool Ribbon) to define the filenames for the DXF unfoldings.

This command opens the "DXF Export" page in the Settings Dialog. You can set the storage folder for the DXF files there. Additionally, you can use the Name generator (Name DXF Abwicklung in the Multitool Ribbon) to define the filenames for the DXF unfoldings.


All selected sheet metal components will be unfolded and exported as DXF files. If an unfolding does not exist for a sheet metal component, the program will automatically create one. The DXF export corresponds to the "Save As" command in the context menu of the unfold in the Inventor browser.


Closes the dialog.